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Riya's Rainbows Ball

Honouring the Memory of Riya: Join Us at Our Inaugural Fundraising Event.


With hearts full of cherished memories, we are excited to announce our very first fundraising occasion, dedicated to the loving memory of Riya. This event is scheduled to take place on the 1st of December, a date that would have marked Riya's 10th birthday—an occasion brimming with significance. Our aim is to create an unforgettable gathering that not only celebrates Riya's vibrant spirit but also serves as a platform to raise essential funds for our causes.


Event Particulars:


Date: 1st December Venue: Blue Room Sports Venue, 220 Headstone Lane, Harrow, HA2 6LY Time: 7pm - Midnight


Our event will be a ticketed affair, designed to accommodate up to 550 esteemed guests. The evening promises an array of delights, including welcome drinks, delectable canapes, a captivating auction, an exciting raffle, live DJ performances, and a dance floor that beckons. Through this event, our purpose is clear: to honour Riya's enduring legacy, ensuring that every attendee is touched by a truly meaningful experience.



To secure your spot at this heartfelt gathering, kindly visit - Please see the link.




Additionally, we invite you to join us in another act of kindness.  On the night of the event, we will be collecting small gifts meant for young children. These tokens of goodwill will be delivered to Great Ormond Street Hospital, where they will be distributed to both the young patients and their siblings in the PICU on Christmas Day. Having spent a Christmas week on the unit ourselves, we understand the significance of these gestures bringing smiles to the faces of these brave children. We kindly request you to consider bringing along a small, suitable gift, such as stuffed toys, notebooks, colouring pencils, or paint kits, to contribute to this heartwarming initiative.


Let's come together to make this event a true reflection of Riya's enduring spirit and her passion for spreading love and joy.      Your presence and participation will not only make the evening memorable but will also contribute to a cause close to our hearts. We look forward to sharing this special occasion with you.


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Account Name:      Riyas Rainbows

Account Number:   43541746

Sort Code:              20-92-63

Riya's Rainbows is a registered Charity No. 1205925. Registered as a Company limited by guarantee in England & Wales No. 14945227. Registered office at Gadd House, Arcadia Avenue, Finchley, London, N3 2JU.

© 2023

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